This entire post is just another form of procrastination
What I Should Be Doing: Pack up all our belongings Arrange for a contractor to fix the scary stairs of death in the GA house Get appliances for the house here in FL so our renters can do things...
View ArticleReminders are everywhere
“I HATE this game!!” I *would* say that such vehement declarations are a rarity in my house, but I think that we all know that the child of the person who once told a stranger at Target that if she...
View ArticleParenting FAIL: The Conversation Edition
Peyton – Why is my poo green? Yesterday it was yellow. I have RAINBOW butt! Nathaniel – Ohhh! You said the word you said I couldn’t say even if I was on fire. Rachael – What do you call that? *poke...
View ArticleWhining as an art form
Exhaustion is a brutal mistress. I hate her. She is taking over my life and leaving behind a shriveled shell of the Anissa that once was. You know what else sort of sucks right about now?? Papercuts...
View ArticleRice and Buttons
I’ll bet you’re thinking there’s some exquisite inside joke in that title. And there probably is. But that’s not what this post is about. This is about the most infuriating bowl of rice I’ve ever...
View ArticleEver wonder how a size 12 shoe actually tastes? Feel free to just ask my husband
I’ve already voiced my issues with driving a mini-van and have come to terms with it. And THEN. My husband opens his mouth and jams his foot SO deep there are tread marks on his liver. “You are so much...
View ArticleThe BIG DAY!
It’s ON! The truck is here. The movers are picking up the boxes. We are going to be piling into our vehicles shortly and rolling out of here. Goodbye to our house…our friends…our family…all that has...
View ArticleA guilty mother’s work is never done
My worries about Peyton’s upcoming clinic visit and my excitement about the upcoming trip to Chicago for BlogHer collided in my dreams. I dreamed that she relapsed and I couldn’t go on my trip. I was...
View ArticleMy weekend in photos
Family. Food. Fireworks. Fun. Fiftybazillion kids. We hosted. We cooked a lot. We ate a lot. Bang! Boom! Pow! Ohhh. Ahhh. I are teh tired. So, here are the highlights of my weekend. In order of age....
View ArticleClosing up shop
Well, it is that day. The day I move over to the new blog. I’ll also let you in on a little secret….I slack, therefore I am…usually. So, check out the other site I’m launching with some of my very best...
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